Owners MUST license dogs with the Town of Manassa. Owners can purchase license at Manassa Town Hall, Monday-Wednesday from 8:00 AM-4:00 PM.
License Requirements:
- Proof of Rabies must be provided in order to retain a dog license.
- Only 3 licenses will be provided PER household.
- License must be attached to dog or else the tag is not considered valid.
- Kennel License Fee: $300.
All dogs found without a license will be picked up by Manassa Police Department and transported to Dumb Friends League.
Any tagged dog picked up by Law Enforcement will be taken to the address on file. If no contact is made with the owner of the animal, they will be transported to Dumb Friends League. Owner will be responsible for all cost of care and fines.
When picking up dog, owner must first contact Manassa PD at 719-843-0133, where a citation/summons will be issued, and proof of citation will need to be provided to Dumb Friends League upon pick up.
- Ordinance
- Ordinance 6.04.040: Dog licenses- All dogs kept female or male must be licensed through the Town of Manassa
- Fine: $25-$300
- Ordinance 6.04.090: Failure to license dog/dogs
- Fine: $25-$300
- Ordinance 2004-1: It is unlawful to harbor or keep more than three dogs on property without a Kennel License.
- Fine: $25-$300
- License- $300
- Ordinance 6.04.090: Dog at large/ female in heat at large.
- Fine: $25-$300
Fines are at the Courts discretion.
- Ordinance 6.04.040: Dog licenses- All dogs kept female or male must be licensed through the Town of Manassa